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2019-03-25 15:35 作者:admin 来源:标语口号网 TAG标签:

1、情系残疾兄弟姐妹,奉献一份诚挚爱心。 1, affection is disabled sibling, offer a sincere love. 2、扶残助残,有你有我。 2, helping the disabled, there you have me. 3、扶残助残是社会文明进步的标志。

1、情系残疾兄弟姐妹,奉献一份诚挚爱心。  1, affection is disabled sibling, offer a sincere love.  2、扶残助残,有你有我。  2, helping the disabled, there you have me.  3、扶残助残是社会文明进步的标志。  3, helping the disabled is a symbol of social civilization.  4、关爱残疾人,从小事做起。帮助残疾人,给残疾人温暖。  4, people with love, from small start. Help the disabled persons with disabilities, to warm.  5、伸出你的手,让别人幸福.  5, reach out your hand, let the happiness of others.  6、你我同在一个蓝天下,共享一片蓝天.  6, you me a sky, sharing a piece of blue sky.  7、当别人感到幸福你同样是幸福的  In 7, when others are happy you are happy  8、关爱残疾人,献出一份爱  8, people with love, gave a love  9、走进残疾人家庭 关心残疾人劳动生活  In 9, the disabled family takes care of the disabled labor life  10、弘扬扶残助残的社会风尚,促进全社会更加理解 尊重 关爱 帮助残疾人  10, promote helping the disabled social fashion, to promote the whole society more respect and understanding of care and help the disabled